As one of the most developed nations in the world, Canada attracts a lot of immigrants. The government of Canada welcomes a large number of people who have immigrated to or are considering doing so. Canada aims to welcome 465,000 new immigrants in 2023, and 1,500,000 by the 2025.
However, Canada is an English-speaking country, and there are certain things to consider before making the shift. Language proficiency testing is one of them. The IELTS (International English Language Testing System), is recognized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for immigration to Canada, as well as other purposes like higher education in a Canadian university/college. The test assesses the English language proficiency level of a non-native English speaker and plays a prominent role in the Canadian immigration process. For certain types of Canadian visas, an individual must prove their English language proficiency to the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
The general reading test is used to assess a wide range of reading abilities. The module has 3 sections with a total of 40 questions. Each question carrying 1 mark. Total time allotted to complete the module is 60 minutes. Therefore, test takers need to spend 20 minutes per section.
Section 1 contains short texts with topics related to everyday life in an English-speaking country; Section 2 mainly focuses on work-related issues like job hunting, company policies, etc, and Section 3, which is comparatively more demanding, has topics taken from guidebooks, newspapers, advertisements, etc. The skills that are tested in general reading include gist reading, detailed reading, reading for the main idea, and recognizing a writer’s mindset.
The assignment is to match 5 to 7 headers to text paragraphs. It is generally the first set of questions in a reading passage. Certainly, there are more headers than paragraphs. You might need to read all the text or only a portion of it. Understanding broad knowledge is tested by matching headers to paragraphs.
Matching headers to paragraphs can be a little tricky. So, here are some tips to help you ace this type of questions in the IELTS Reading test.
Contact us if you need help from our language experts. Check out Owlspriority Immigration’s Canada Settlement Resources to learn about finding employment in Canada, making your initial days stress-free, etc.