Work Permits for IT/Tech Professionals and Workers

With the ever-increasing demand for workers and professionals in the Information Technology (IT) field, Canadian employers in the IT industry are actively recruiting professions to fill in positions on a continuous basis. IT/Tech professionals and workers all around the world will find ample opportunities in Canada.

Certain professionals in the IT/Tech industry may be eligible to work in Canada for a certain period without securing a work permit. To learn more about the work permit exempt categories, click here.

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) may be required in certain cases when a Canadian employer is hiring IT professionals and workers from other countries. To learn more about this option, click here. Intra-Company Transfers are another route through which IT workers and professionals may enter the Canadian labour market.

Intra-Company transfers are LMIA exempt. Meaning, it is not required that the employer need to do obtain a positive labour market opinion prior to hiring the foreign worker. To learn more about this option, click here.

Business Visitors may work in Canada without a work permit. If you are an IT/Tech person with entrepreneurial goals, then this option will be the best pathway available for you. To learn more about this interesting option, click here.

IT/tech professionals and workers from the US and Mexico may work in Canada under the LMIA exempt provision of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). To know more about this option, click here.

IT/Tech professionals who are citizens of the European Union (EU) and its member states may work in Canada under certain circumstances pertaining to the LMIA exempt provision of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). To know more about this option, click here.

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