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Career Establishment Service (CES)

Finding a job in Canada can be quite challenging if the person is looking from outside Canada. There are several factors to be considered while searching for a job in Canada.

Quite often, if not in all the cases, securing a Canadian job offer not only gives financial comfort and stability to the person, but also makes his or her immigration process much simpler and faster. However, finding the right job is a challenging factor if the individual:

  • Does not know what a typical Canadian employer would look for in a job resume;
  • Is not using a resume/cover-letter that complies to Canadian (North American) standards;
  • Is not aware of the differences of a specific profession in his or her country compared to that in Canada (E.g. banking in Canada is much different from banking in India or China);
  • Doesn’t know how or where to start searching for the job. In other words, if he or she isn’t aware which companies in which areas in Canada are more likely to hire.

Owlspriority Immigration, through its private as well as government-funded partners provides Career Establishment Services (CES) that help prospective candidate tackle these challenges.

Our Career Establishment Services Partners

Below is the list of Career Establishment Services (CES) partners Owlspriority Immigration works with:

What services do we offer through our Career Establishment Services (CES) partners?

Starting from getting you job resume/CV look more Canadian, it extends to connecting you with the right companies and recruiters in Canada. To know more about the different job search services we offer through our partners, click here.

What types of jobs can you expect to find in Canada, and how?

When you land in Canada as a permanent resident, finding a job can be among your top priorities. To know what types of jobs you can expect to find in Canada, click here.

At what point would we recommend you take Career Establishment Services?

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to finding a job in Canada. Many lose their hard-earned money because they trust fraudulent advertisements and pay money for jobs that doesn’t exist. To know more about when you should ideally start searching for jobs in Canada, click here.

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